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Nisus Corporation
Active Ingredient:
Boron (present as disodium octaborate tetrahydrate) - 8.40%
Effective on mold as well...!
Bora-Care Contains Inorganic Borate Salts with Insecticidal Properties - For new construction termite treatments, whole house treatments and remedial treatments. Use Bora-Care® as a remedial treatment of infested wood or as a long-term protective or preventative of wood in new construction. Bora-Care is not a soil treatment—do not use to directly treat soil. Bora-Care is used for the prevention and control of carpenter ants, powderpost beetles, anobiid beetles, subterranean termites, Formosan termites, drywood termites, dampwood termites, old house borers and ambrosia beetles. Bora-Care may be used on all non-food contact surfaces of cellulosic materials including wood, OSB and wood composites as well as concrete, block, brick, metals, PVC plumbing pipes and other non-cellulosic materials - Kills and prevents termites and listed wood destroying organisms. - Will not decompose or volitilize out of wood - Has no VOCs (volatile organic compounds).