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Birdwire® - Mounting Options

Gutter Clamp

Beam Clamp

A spring-tensioned wire system designed to create an unstable landing area that is widely used throughout the US because it is very low-profile. It carries GSA approval for historic buildings.
Where to Use: Long, exposed ledges, parapets, signs, beams, pipes
Target Bird: Pigeon
Bird Pressure: Light - Medium
Material: Stainless Steel
Installation: Stainless steel, nylon coated wire is attached to stainless steel posts and tensioned using springs
Installation Level: Involved
Very Discreet: Birdwire is one of the lease visible of all ledge products and is frequently used on high-visibility ledges where aesthetics are important
How it Works: Nylon-coated spring-tensioned stainless steel wire is attached to stainless steel posts at differing heights and intervals, the bases are drilled into the surface or glued on
Special Attachments: pipe clamps, gutter clamps and beam clamps are available for installing on a variety of surfaces
Railing Clamp
Birdwire® - Installation Overview
