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Liqua-Tox II (1.7oz)

Bell Labls
Active Ingredient:
Sodium Salt of Diphacinone - 0.106%
Water Soluble Liquid Bait LIQUA-TOX II is a liquid concentrate containing the active ingredient, Diphacinone, that kills rats and mice. It contains 0.106 percent Sodium Diphacinone which mixes easily in a quart of water to yield a finished bait with 0.005 percent Diphacinone. LIQUA-TOX II gives exceptional control in dry conditions or when competition from other food sources is high, such as in grain elevators and food storage warehouses. Rats need water daily and mice will drink when liquids are available. LIQUA-TOX II can be dispensed in Bell's tamper-resistant bait stations, chicken fonts or other receptacles. Keep away from pets and other non-target animals.